Celebrate your Photos with Photo Calendars

This time of year, our thoughts turn to gift giving.  One of the best parts of having your photos  organized  is being able to share and celebrate those special moments, and photo calendars are one of the most appreciated ways to do this.  Because I love old photos and the stories behind them, I like using vintage photos to create one of a kind gifts. 

There are many online sites you can use to  create calendars.  I create my calendars in  Forever . They have a variety of styles, and you can create them online, or offline with their software.  Mixbooks is another site that offers a variety of styles to create online calendars.

I wrote a blog for The Association of Personal Photo Organizers last year with some ideas and tips for creating vintage photo calendars.  You can find it here:



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Preparing to Evacuate ahead of Floods or Severe Storms

I am very concerned to see the start of flood evacuations and alerts in parts of Alberta.  With the heavy snowfall this winter, many areas all across Canada are at risk.  If you are in an area prone to flooding, now is the time to prepare and get your photos protected in case you have to evacuate. Of course, long term backup solutions are best, but here is what to do RIGHT NOW!

This blog was originally posted at www.saveyourphotos.org, in 2017 to assist those preparing for the arrival of Hurricane Irma.  The tips are great.   Please be aware that plastic storage bins are not watertight, so additional precautions are necessary.    And please don’t store your photos in your dishwasher, as was circulating the internet last year.  Dishwashers are made to keep water in, not out!


If you have any questions about how to prepare to evacuate, comment on this post, or email Calgary Photo Solutions at info@calgaryphotosolutions.ca

Stay safe!




©CalgaryPhotoSolutions, 2018